Faith Fellowship Bible Church
  On a January evening in 2005 three ladies sat around a kitchen table seeking the Lord for direction.  Donna Nelson, Beverly Bates and Cheryle Spicer shared their ideas of belonging to a church without manmade rules and laws.  They wanted a bible church based on the commandment, “Love the Lord with all you heart and all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than this.” A church based on the true love of Jesus Christ. And so it began….
     The first church service was held on February 11, 2005 at “The little stone church”, previously the home of the Faith Baptist Church. Twelve souls attended the Service led by Cheryle Spicer and music from Curt Spicer.
    The Holy Spirit met us there that day. Those twelve folks with the love of Jesus in their hearts, continued to meet and so it grew…Curt and Cheryle were ordained as the pastors and shepherds of the little flock. We held services in the little stone church until we out grew it 3 times in 5 years! Finally in 2010, Faith Fellowship had the opportunity to purchase our present location located on 7 acres of land.  The new building was dedicated to the Lord on September 24, 2010.
     Much has happened since February 2005.  We have seen miracles. People cured of sickness.  Our children and adults have been dedicated and baptized to the Lord for service.  People are continuing to give their lives to Christ. God is moving!  We are excited to see what He has in store for us as we reach out into our community and share Christ to those who may not know him yet!